Figs and crates.

Out with the rubbish
Out with the rubbish.

At the market
At the market.

Pot plant holders
Pot plant holders.

There’s Tuukka ammo in my work’s kitchen
sirgothamhat: There’s Tuukka ammo in my work’s kitchen

axollot: Empties by Sean Savery Photography on Flickr.

Outside a cafe
Outside a cafe.

Colour co-ordinated
Colour co-ordinated.

With the recycling
With the recycling.

Waiting on the porch
Waiting on the porch.

Record Store Day milk crate. Go and buy a record.
Record Store Day milk crate. Go and buy a record.

Crateman shoots for goal
Crateman shoots for goal Just a few metres up the railway line from “crateman rides again” is this new ‘footy…

Milk Crate Man
Milk Crate Man Milk Crate Man found hanging on the side of the Newport Mill between the Westgate Bridge and Williamstown. Crateman. [via…

The home recording studio of JG Thirlwell
dolphinshark: The home recording studio of JG Thirlwell (aka Foetus) photographed by Daniëlle van Ark

Puff the magic crateman!
Puff the magic crateman! Another crateman, this one found near North Melbourne Railway Station. It lies just near the corner…

Outside a cafe
Outside a cafe.

Junk holder at the market
Junk holder at the market.

Arty milk crates.
Arty milk crates.


The saddest milk crate in the office
The saddest milk crate in the office

The milkman’s dilemma
worldonpage: the milkman’s dilemma by mugley on Flickr.

From The Age newspaper
From The Age newspaper

Australian Crate Culture
theirwanderlust: Australia loves it some milkcrates. Milkcrates for everything!!! New table and chairs anyone? lockers/shelves at work? Designs on shirts?…

Nice colours
Nice colours

Rubbish day
Rubbish day