Cafe milk crates. [Submitted by Claudette]

Crates with milk bottles in them
Crates with milk bottles in them.

By the water
By the water.


Do not use me
Do not use me.

Back of the pub
Back of the pub.

Night delivery
Night delivery.

Outside a warehouse
Outside a warehouse.

Back of the pub
Back of the pub.

Donji Milanovic in Serbia
Crates in Donji Milanovic in Serbia.

Black on black
Black on black.

Waiting for the smokers
Waiting for the smokers.

Milk crates with empty milk bottles in them.
Milk crate with empty milk bottles in them.

Window cleaner
Window cleaner.

Milk crate stack
Milk crate stack.

Milk crates with milk in them!
Milk crates with milk in them!

Impressive collection of black milk crates
An impressive collection of black milk crates.

Fruit shop milk crates
Fruit shop milk crates.

Crate stack
Crate stack.

Park bench milk crates
Park bench milk crates.

Fruit shop
Fruit shop.

Outside a shop
Outside a shop.

High chairs and milk crates
High chairs and milk crates.

Black crates
Black crates.

Garden milk crates
Garden milk crates.

Bus stop milk crate
Bus stop milk crate.

There’s a hamster on that milk crate
It’s hard to see, but there’s a hamster on that milk crate.

Blurry milk crates
Blurry milk crates.

Great colours
Great colours.

Fruit shop milk crates
Fruit shop milk crates.

Blue ones
Blue ones.

How good do those bananas look?
How good do those bananas look?

More tradie milk crates
More tradie milk crates.

Tradie milk crates
Tradie milk crates.

Hanging on the porch
Hanging on the porch.

Car park milk crate
Car park milk crate.

Milk crate collection
Milk crate collection.

More rubbish bin milk crates
More rubbish bin milk crates.

Leads in a milk crate
Leads in a milk crate.

Ed and the black milk crate
Ed and the black milk crate.

The world through the eyes of a milk crate
The world through the eyes of a milk crate.

Kitchen milk crate
Kitchen milk crate.

Construction worker & milk crates
Construction worker & milk crates.

brewshack: YOINK!!!!! Some kindly soul left these milk crates out with the rubbish, thank you very much I’ll have those…

Coffee shop milk crates
Coffee shop milk crates.

Mona Museum (Tasmania) milk crate
Mona (Tasmania) milk crate.

Motorbike helmet milk crate
Motorbike helmet milk crate.