Milk crates and fridge.

Outdoor cafe milk crates
Outdoor cafe milk crates.

Service station milk crates
Service station milk crates.

cspin: CMYK

Backstage at the Basement, Sydney
Backstage at the Basement, Sydney.

Milk crate wall
Milk crate wall.

Adjusting the lights
Adjusting the lights.

Another junk yard milk crate
Another junk yard milk crate.

Circular Quay milk crates
Circular Quay milk crates.

No smoking on these milk crates
No smoking on these milk crates.

Colourful stack of crates in the evening
Colourful stack of crates in the evening.

Milk crates in a hedge
Milk crates in a hedge.

Laundry detergent milk crates
Laundry detergent milk crates.

Italian milk crates in the sun
Italian milk crates in the sun.

Crate stack
Crate stack.

Rainy milk crates
Rainy milk crates.

Out with the bins
Out with the bins.

Rubbish bin milk crate
Rubbish bin milk crate.

Out the back of the pub
Out the back of the pub.

Gardening milk crates
Gardening milk crates.

Black and green stack
Black and green stack.

Milk crate pile
Milk crate pile.

From eBay
From eBay

Under a tree
Under a tree.

Backyard milk crates
Backyard milk crates.

Behind the record shop
Behind the record shop.

Very dirty black milk crate
Very dirty black milk crate.

Milk crate and Mynah bird
Milk crate and Mynah bird.

Nightlife milk crates
Nightlife milk crates.

Crate stack almost bigger than the car
Crate stack almost bigger than the car.

Hanging out
Hanging out.

Black stack
Black stack.

End of the alley
End of the alley.

Loitering outside the pub
Loitering outside the pub

Help with painting
Help with painting.

What is this crate doing in a book shop?
What is this crate doing in a book shop?

More New Years Eve seating
More New Years Eve seating.

Puff the magic crateman!
Puff the magic crateman! Another crateman, this one found near North Melbourne Railway Station. It lies just near the corner…

Arty milk crates.
Arty milk crates.