Guitars and crate

Crate and guitars
Crate and guitars

Blue milk crate wants to hear some blues
Blue milk crate wants to hear some blues.

Guitars and crate
Guitars and crate

I live in a milk crate village
chillspiration: So I live in a milk crate village. We herd, wash, and sort stray milk crates and give them…

Crate Dresser
hirrient: Crate Dresser by Matthew Philip Williams

Guitars and crate
Guitars and crate

Even Jimmy Page uses milk crates
Even Jimmy Page uses milk crates.

Marco Scozzaro 2013
marcoscozzaro: © Marco Scozzaro 2013

Antique Milk Crate Bike Basket
hand-meyd: In need of something to transport all the delicious goodies from my weekly farmer’s market trips, I decided to…

Rehearsal studio
Rehearsal studio.

Rehearsal studio
Rehearsal studio.

Green crates at night
In the city

Work in progess, Prahran
Work in progess, Prahran

Milk crates as drum kit
Milk crates as drum kit.