In the hallway.

Yellow milk crate
Yellow milk crate.

I still can’t believe I live in this bizarre filth
splitthesquares: I still can’t believe I live in this bizarre filth.

My life is 4 pictures
buffalo-bronko: my life is 4 pictures.

Crates waiting to be seats in the dark at the Old Bar
Crates waiting to be seats in the dark at the Old Bar.

Milk crate selfie!
Milk crate selfie!

Yellow crate in the afternoon sun
Yellow crate in the afternoon sun.

Climbing Crateman
Climbing Crateman More Crateman! Yey! Lucky I have an eager eye. I spotted some colour in the corner of my…

Crateman rides again!
Crateman rides again! Crate Man has now made three appearances on this site. See here. Today, a new crate man…

The ceiling and bones
lunargoat: the ceiling and bones

Crateman returns
Crateman returns Well I’ve shown ‘Milk Crate Man’ before here, but just around the corner you will find another version, this…

Puff the magic crateman!
Puff the magic crateman! Another crateman, this one found near North Melbourne Railway Station. It lies just near the corner…